Elegant & Detached

– Pinkcourtesyphone is an echo of an unfamiliar voice.
– Pinkcourtesyphone remembers two things you hold up to your face as a conduit to forgotten love
– Pinkcourtesyphone permeates like a syrup-y dream.
– Pinkcourtesyphone is many things from many places.
– Pinkcourtesyphone is elegant and detached.

This is the second full length call from the Pinkcourtesyphone-line; a loquacious interlude on beauty, place, and obsession. The callers voice whispers a wistful yet false love-letter to the cinema of aesthetics from a distant place concerning the things you did… and things you need to have done.

  1. petraglyph (for Ranier).  12:14
  2. sans motif / closer to here than you care to be. 15:03
  3. an awaiting room (for Tati) / stars fell. 23:20
  4. millimeters off / non us (tiny). 11:54
  5. sans many things (bedtime). 09:00

A: “i’m a model… and sometimes an actress too…”
B: “you certainly are.”


More soundsourcery this time from from sound artist Richard Chartier, lovely, dark, spooky electronic drifty stuff with intermittent blasts of unexpected sound.  The general feel is of soft washes of sound, the late night hum of factories, the sea, the waves, the thrill of electrical wiring. There are plenty of undulating synths, interrupted by disembodied voices, footsteps down the hallway, late at night. It’s a ghostly album full of buried sounds, lots of half heard noises, like attempting to sleep in a big old creaking house. The usual suspects of Nurse With Wound can be used as a reference but also the modern day composition of Celer and Bvdub are heard in the pastoral stillness.
Norman Records, UK


Pinkcourtesyphone is very cinematic to me and it’s easy to imagine something dark going on in a black & white movie with wonderful stars from the past, you know the way they don’t do them anymore…

The first track “petraglyph (for Ranier)” starts with a womans voice speaking German with a delay/echo on her voice so you just can make out what she say’s. And i have an inkling to that the Rainer mentioned in the title has something to do with Mr. Fassbinder and his film “Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant“. And if that is so and you know your Fassbinder you also get the picture about something dark going on… Well this bitter sweet track drifts along a drone like bass that just adds to the charm while that females voice repeats it self at times during it’s 12:14 minutes.

And so this album goes along with even more cinematic paraphernalia, masterfully crafted sounds and field recordings with a never dull moment ever!You are left wanting more when this album closes with the track “sans many things (bedtime)” a rhythmic track considering what you might be used to from Mr. Chartier. A thumping dark sound repeats it self together with a sort of synced ping sound and electric currents adding to the drama just to ebb out to almost from here to eternity while sitting on the edge of forever…

And I’m not going to write about the other very beautiful tracks of this album just to keep you curious and will leave you with the short version of what you will get when buying this album in August: Very pretty, Pretty-Pretty…


Chartier takes a tangential trajectory to his usual electronic minimalism. The music is dreamy, evocative, with sonic transformations more poetic than formalistic. Significantly more accessible, almost facile at times, though we never leave the experimental music territory. A very enjoyable listen – honestly, Elegant & Detached’s 71 minutes went by very quickly.


Elegant & Detached ha preparado un cóctel de sonidos extraños, habitaciones nocturnas, voces susurrantes, desde la distancia y con una distinción misteriosa. Largas piezas de ambient fantasmagórico, ecos lejanos de fantasmas. Un clima que a veces llega a ser sofocante, lejos del mutismo que le es propio, en donde construye jardines rotos de partículas desintegradas, ambientaciones de escenas sin lógica aparente, donde no importa que se dice sino como se relata la historia. Accidentes y cuadros fracturados en la mitad de la noche iluminada. Cada trazo esta ubicado debajo de una capa de ruido sucio, que a su vez se ubica por sobre otra capa más, y así hasta más no poder, actuando como filtro contra la mugre que de todas maneras permanece como una presencia asombrosa. “Petraglyph (For Ranier)” se inicia con una voz incógnita hablando en lengua alemana, y tan pronto se calla, comienzan a arrastrase las láminas de texturas ásperas. Así es como el sonido se sucede, arrastrándose por el suelo, empujando las notas con una letanía de un muerto viviente. “Sans Motif / Closer To Here Than You Care To Be” también contiene samples de personas anónimas, desconocidas al menos para nosotros. Las cosas no son lo que parecen. a ratos simula ser un techno desprovisto de cualquier ritmo, a veces muy similar a los paisajes gaseosos de Wolfgang Voigt, una presencia siempre en la sombra de la electrónica espectral. Recursos sacados de discos de exótica, residuos de un sonido resquebrajado. “An Awaiting Room (For Tati) / Stars Fell” toma ese sonido desprolijo, como una demo mal grabado, característico de Rhythm & Sound, y lo lleva hasta un lugar mas frío, y luego aun más allá: son tres partes en una sola pieza -esta, de veintitrés minutos-. “Millimeters Off / Non Us (Tiny)” traslada el misterio hasta un estado opresivo, la más abrasiva de todas, estado que se ve distendido con “Sans Many Things (Bedtime)” y unos textos, siempre femeninos, que cierran la habitación por fuera, sin saber como estos susurros se cuelan por debajo de la puerta. “La voz de las personas que llaman susurran una nostálgica pero falsa carta de amor al cine de la estética de un lugar lejano sobre las cosas que hiciste… y las cosas que necesitas que se hagan”Elegant & Detached fue, es, un disco que exacerba las posibilidades seductoras de la otra ruta seguida por Chartier.


Elegant & Detached is the second album by american soundartist Richard Chartier under his moniker Pinkcourtesyphone. In contradiction to the minimalistic works i know under his name of birth, these tracks not only sound nearly orchestral by the use of big reverbitory rooms. The mysterious cimematic ambiences and gloomy, dreamlike blurred and blown away loops-based drones made of field recordings, synth sounds and ingeniously applied (rhythmical) noise along with vocal samples from Fassbinder films are utterly atmospheric creating a strong effect.
de:Bug, DE


Il nuovo alias di Richard Chartier denota una volontà da parte del musicista americano di dare una svolta alla sua carriera: dopo aver indagato l’immaterialità del suono, Chartier sembra ora interessato all’organicità del mondo materiale. La prospettiva è comunque quella di un artista attratto dai processi astrattivi e dai labirinti della mente, anche se la pasta dei suoni con cui Pinkcourtesyphone colora le cinque tracce di Elegant & Detached sono caldi come mai lo sono stati in passato. Voci trattate, drones accecanti, rumori che si specchiamo quelle di Chartier sembrano descrizioni di sogni ad occhi aperti. IL NUOVO CORSO DI UN VISIONARIO.